Interim Executive Board (IEB)
The Interim Executive Board is a temporary board of governors to support the school in it's drive to improve and provide the very best for the young people it serves.
The IEB took up its duties on 15 April 2024.
The Board
Anne Allison - Education Consultant and experienced Primary Headteacher (Chair)
Jessica Stubbings - East Sussex County Council Officer
Shaun Jarvis - Former HMI and school leader with extensive leadership experience in specialist settings
Linda Pannell - Member of the previous governing board
Janet Bowen - East Sussex County Council HR Officer (Associate Member)
Rose Blaauw - East Sussex County Council Finance Officer (Associate Member)
Theresa Phillips – Education Consultant and experienced Secondary Headteacher
Mark Bryant – Director of Surrey for LSEAT and Executive Headteacher of two federated community special schools (Associate Member)
Gaynor Newnham -