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Complaints Procedure

The central objective of Grove Park School is to create and maintain a safe, happy and healthy learning environment where every pupil can achieve their full potential. The staff and IEB work in a spirit of co-operation with parents, carers and other interested parties.  Throughout the process, we will be sensitive to the needs of all parties involved, and make any reasonable adjustments needed to accommodate individuals.

In line with the requirements of section 29 of the Education Act 2002, Grove Park School:

  • has a complaints procedure that is easily accessible, simple to use and easy to understand.
  • encourages resolution of concerns by informal means wherever possible.
  • addresses all points at issue and provides an effective response and appropriate redress where necessary.
  • resolves issues swiftly to established timescales, impartially and in a spirit of co-operation.
  • provides a fair investigation by an independent person where necessary.
  • respects, as appropriate, confidentiality.
  • ensures that the IEB regularly monitors complaints received by the school.
  • acts in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018.

Please see the Policy below.