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Primary Curriculum (EYFS, KS 1 & KS 2)

The School believes that a flexible curriculum model best meets the changing needs of pupils. This ensures all pupils access learning appropriate for their age and stage of development. Learning is differentiated by cognitive level and need using a range of appropriate strategies which are designed to support teaching and learning. In each of the phases, the School adopts an appropriate pathway. These are:

The Engage Pathway 

Designed to meet the needs of pupils with the most complex learning needs this curriculum is informal and prioritises core skills and knowledge for adult life. Central to this is the teaching of early developmental skills relating to attention, interaction, communication, independence and behaviour. Initially, the priority is engaging with their immediate surroundings and the people in it. This will include, continuing to be taught how to learn how to learn.  As they progress through the school, the aim is to broaden experiences facilitating engagement with the school and wider communities.  

Work will continue to support their ability to self-regulate, be communicative and influence their environment and therefore their independence.

The Discover Pathway 

Designed to meet the needs of pupils who are beginning to apply their skills more confidently and successfully. The focus for learning remains on the development of core skills and knowledge but challenges learners to access a broader range of subjects through a cross-curricular as well as some subject-based approach to learning.

The Independent Pathway 

Designed to challenge those pupils who are or will be working towards accredited entry level qualifications. This curriculum is more formal and introduces pupils to subject based learning where the core skills and knowledge are developed alongside subject specific objectives.